1. Google drive: it is like an online storage device that is easy to access and it's very organized. You can save different types of your work on it like journals, pictures, and so on without having to worry about them being lost or not accessed because of a virus.
2. webinars: They are very essential in the domain of education since they help us stay updated with everything new in the domain and they enable us to watch different sessions about a variety of topics with professional people which will definitely enhance our work and make us better educators.

4.Padlet: what is good about this website is that it makes communication easier between the teacher and students, and between the students themselves.
5. Rubistar: I loved this application!! Making rubrics is a hard task that requires a lot of time and thinking, with this application things are easier now and it can help you with its wide range of samples you use as a teacher. You can also modify them the way that suits your purpose!!
6. Blog: What an interesting application one can use to make his/her own world with an educational and formal way. Having a blog is an effective way to communicate and you have a lot of options. It's easy to use and you can upload whatever you want on it.
7.Google Slides: That was a fun way to create a lesson!! It's very easy to use and you have a lot of options. I really liked how I can use a picture to enter another website by only clicking on it. It has a lot of variety and tools to use to make an effective task.
8. Actinspire: Even though it's not that easy to use, it has a lot of options and it can make a lesson very interesting because you can manipulate it freely.
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