Friday, April 13, 2018

How to Motivate Students to Go to School

Schools are greatly concerned about the performance and knowledge acquirement of students since their main and unified goal is to benefit them and give them as much information as possible. In order to deliver such message, there are certain conditions that should be available to guarantee better results from children.
A major and important factor that is required to improve their likelihood of understanding and learning is having a supportive and motivating environment to make them love going to school. It does not only require a building and classrooms to guarantee that students are actually going to learn and love the process of learning; it also requires a suitable atmosphere to encourage kids to learn.
Children are very sensitive and that is a thing we adults do have but with more awareness. That’s why it is the job of the faculty and the teachers to encourage students and motivate them to come to school and actually enjoy what they are learning without feeling forced to do so. Loving school is an important factor that should be followed and taken into consideration because it definitely affects the students’ motivation and dedication to receive and produce information.
The first thing to do to motivate students to come to school is to prepare the setting well for them. The dull and boring typical look of the building is certainly not liked from students that’s why decorating the school with paintings on the walls and cartoon characters, big colorful words, flowers, and numbers on the stairs maybe that are catchy are good ideas to use such that children love entertainment and it can be achieved by bringing them things that they actually love looking at. Adding colors and characters will add to their motivation because they are affected by the appearance and such visual aids show comfort, relaxation, and being friendly thus they will feel comfortable in the environment and they will be happy. They will also be able to see that school is not some place that is separated from reality; it contains cartoons they love and colors and so on.
This is great as a first step because students will be happy and relaxed in an indirect way and they will be excited to see more things. They won’t think about the typical perspective that school is a boring place that consists of stress and hard work only.
Then to make them feel better, students must not feel the pressure of social life in school. As known, school is the place where kids spent most of their time and it is the place where they will meet a lot of new people and form new relationships. To guarantee healthy relationships between students will increase their love for school because they will feel that they are socially active individuals thus they will acquire a sense of self and they will feel successful and valuable. Here it’s the role of the teacher to observe students and make them bond and build closer relationships with each other by making them work in groups or pairs, spotting the students that face communication problems and include them with their friends by maybe shedding the light on their other skills so that other students will desire and love them. Having friends and being accepted socially is definitely a major factor that affects the students’ motivation to come to school. If a child loves the company he/she has and enjoys being around then he/she will be more motivated to attend school because it will become related to fun and acceptance.
Besides being socially accepted, a child will love going to school if his/her academic level is good and satisfying. Thus it is the teacher’s job to secure a good performance by guiding them through tasks and always seeking the feedback of the students. It is also important to use different teaching methods so that they can understand more and don’t get bored in classes.
Another thing that motivates them is to actually do and practice things. Children will feel frustrated of they stay sitting all the time so giving them chores like erasing the board or distributing the papers, they will be active and feel as a part of the class thus their attention and motivation will increase.
Praising students is another way to motivate students. Children feel that they are doing hard and great assignments even if they are simple for us as adults so some praising is worthy for them to know that their work is appreciated and they will become more consistent on doing better and trying to enhance themselves. A teacher can also module the work of the student as material for explanation and this will make that student proud and more active to become better while his/her peers will try to work harder to be in the spotlight. However praising should not be used on regular basis otherwise kids will get used to it and won’t be motivated.
The teacher should also create an environment of fun and excitement for the students. They need to feel that they are enjoying their time and they should be hyper in the classroom not dull and disconnected from the world. The teacher can get the attention of the kids if he/she is always happy, positive, and spreading good vibes.
Another thing that motivates students at different ages is to be able to enjoy some free time in school. They love to have time specified for their talents and expressing themselves without having to worry about rules or grades. By playing games students will entertain themselves, become closer to other, and get the feeling that school is actually a place where they can have a good time.  Activities like painting, playing with clay, toys, and physical challenging games can boost their energy level. They will be happier, more confident, and relaxed because they are expressing themselves and they are having a good time in this environment. They will also be relieving their stress in a schedule full of studying. Having some time to loosen up will make them refresh and start studying again with delight. Having a good time in school will make them motivated to go there again.
Also some extracurricular activities will make them joyful like going on trips and adventures outside the school.
Children love attention so if students are able to get the attention and support of a teacher whenever they have problems, they will love going to school because it will become the shelter where they can be safe and express themselves to feel better. This feeling of safety will motivate them to work hard in such a positive environment.
It is very important as teacher to make children love going to school so that they will grow up with a positive attitude towards learning and they will perform better thus they will provide themselves with brighter futures. A teacher should have a look for the future to know how to behave at school and make students love it as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. It is clear that the teachers plays the major role in motivating students to come to school.As you mentioned above students like to be praised.A careful and thoughtful teacher has to pay attention to the strengths and limitations of each of his students.He/she has to reward the strengths and strengthens the weaknesses.


How to Motivate Students to Go to School

Schools are greatly concerned about the performance and knowledge acquirement of students since their main and unified goal is to b...