Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Education Day

Receiving my certificate for getting the 1st place for my project in the course "Educational Psychology"

 Next to my project " How to motivate your students"

It was the first time that I ever participate in Education Day, I was hesitated to do so but my instructor insisted. I had no idea about what happens but I was excited. It was a good day, we enjoyed our time and we got a look on our colleagues work. Participating in such an event gave me  a sense of pride, and I really felt the value of our work, and how what we do is important, professional, and up to the level. The judges were happy and impressed with out works, and this made me experience presenting, and my oral communication skills with instructors and doctors. This experience was also a major boost for my confidence. The feeling I got when I received my prize was priceless, because I felt appreciated and capable of anything as long as I have the determination to do so. Best days indeed...


  1. usually the first step is always hard so it is normal to hesitate in this stage but whenever we have the courage to start and the insistent to continue and reach with wise advice from wise people reaching our goals will not be a dream

  2. You really deserve this certificate.Congratulation dear:) keep going!

  3. the moment I met you dear Katia, I felt you are confident and like to go up and shine bright like a star. Way to go and congratulations for the prize. You are really hard working and deserve the best.


How to Motivate Students to Go to School

Schools are greatly concerned about the performance and knowledge acquirement of students since their main and unified goal is to b...