Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Education Day

Receiving my certificate for getting the 1st place for my project in the course "Educational Psychology"

 Next to my project " How to motivate your students"

It was the first time that I ever participate in Education Day, I was hesitated to do so but my instructor insisted. I had no idea about what happens but I was excited. It was a good day, we enjoyed our time and we got a look on our colleagues work. Participating in such an event gave me  a sense of pride, and I really felt the value of our work, and how what we do is important, professional, and up to the level. The judges were happy and impressed with out works, and this made me experience presenting, and my oral communication skills with instructors and doctors. This experience was also a major boost for my confidence. The feeling I got when I received my prize was priceless, because I felt appreciated and capable of anything as long as I have the determination to do so. Best days indeed...


Delivering the opening speech for the 4th Annual Brunch, May 2016

That was a one of a kind experience!! It was very empowering for me to stand in front of such a huge audience with confidence in an educational ceremony, and it made me realize that I can do anything I want. It all needs a bit of courage and self confidence. We can do whatever we want😃
Everything is possible with knowledge and preparation. To talk more about the brunch, it is an annual ceremony at the Lebanese International University, where students and instructors organize and work together to buy delicious food ( salty and sweet), with games and face painting and serve university students as long as students from nearby schools in order to collect money for social causes. It  requires a lot of hard work, but the result is always amazing, and the hard work pays off. The best times of my life indeed was during these brunches with the best people!!

Friday, March 2, 2018


Since the internet connection was very slow, I wasn't able to catch up with everything said by the Dr. and I ended up only watching a small part of the webinar. I signed up for another webinar, but I faced the same problem and the picture kept turning black. I communicated with the team responsible and they said they will send it to me after it finishes but the connection didn't help me to watch it again even though they've sent me a certificate for watching it. The topic was interesting about using rugs in the classrooms for KGS'.
Moving back to the first webinar, Encourage Physical Activity in Preschoolers, it was by Steve Standers, a Professor at the University of South California. After he introduced himself, he said a quote about playing as a warm up for his topic about the importance of play for children. He focused on the loco motor skills which he divided into 2 categories: the uneven rhythm loco motor skills like skip, gallop, and and slide, and the even rhythm loco motor skills like run, jump, hop, bounce...
He also talked about the different stages a child passes through uses his motion, since at the beginning he flips from moving his hands and legs to crawling then taking their first steps. He focused on the nature of moving through children, how it develops, and how important is our job as teachers to protect this movement in schools and invest it in fun activities. I wish that I was able to know more about the topic since I wanted to know about fun physical activities to make for children because I'm a KG 2 teacher but I wasn't lucky enough to hear the full session...

How to Motivate Students to Go to School

Schools are greatly concerned about the performance and knowledge acquirement of students since their main and unified goal is to b...